

Studies show that students who attend school on a daily basis have the best chance of success, regardless of their field of study. Consequently, Glass City Academy holds every student accountable for his or her daily attendance. We address tardiness, unexcused absences, and excessive absenteeism by meeting with students and providing liaison reporting services for the Juvenile Probation Department. Attendance contacts are required of students with excessive absenteeism. Tardiness is closely monitored and habitual patterns of tardiness will result in disciplinary action.

In compliance with O.R.C. 3321.191, it is the legal responsibility of Glass City Academy, through the Attendance Department, to enforce the Ohio State Compulsory Attendance laws. Attendance records for each child, including exact dates of absence and/or truancy, must be kept for all students. Glass City Academy will perform all legal reporting requirements mandated by this policy.

Excused Attendance

All school districts must have policies concerning excused and unexcused absences. Pursuant to the OAC, a parent or guardian must provide an explanation for a child’s absence, which shall be recorded by the approving authority of the school and shall include the date and time of the absence. Emancipated youth and married children under the age of 18 may provide the explanation for their own absences.

An excuse from school may be approved for:

a. Illness of the child (a statement from a health professional may be required if deemed appropriate)
b. Illness in the family (a statement from a health professional explaining why the child’s absence was necessary may be required if deemed appropriate)
c. Quarantine of the home
d. Death of a relative (absence is limited to eighteen school hours unless reasonable cause is shown for a longer absence)
e. Medical, behavioral, or dental appointment (a statement from a health professional may be required if deemed appropriate)
f. Observance of religious holidays
g. College visitation (verification of the date and time of the visit may be required)
h. Pre-enlistment reporting to a military enlistment processing station (verification of the date and time of the reporting may be required)
i. Foster care placement, change in foster care placement, or court proceedings related to foster care status
j. Homelessness
k. Deployment activities of a parent, legal guardian, or custodian (see ORC §3301.60)
l. Emergency or other set of circumstances which in the judgment of the superintendent constitutes a good and sufficient cause for absence from school (the district may include in its discipline policy the manner in which any child may be excused for absence for good and
sufficient reasons).

State Assessment Tests

Glass City Academy is a community school established under Chapter 3314 of the Revised Code. The school is a public school and students enrolled in and attending the school are required to take proficiency tests and other examinations prescribed by law. In addition, there may be other requirements for students at the school that are prescribed by law. Students who have been excused from the compulsory attendance law for the purpose of home education as defined by the Administrative Code shall no longer be excused for that purpose upon their enrollment in a community school.

Student Plans

Students, Parents or Guardians, and the Academic Advisor/Counselor design a personal Graduation Plan including accomplishments and credits already achieved.

Student Plans may include:


Academic credits earned from a previous high school




Academic classes aligned with state standards and benchmarks


Visual/performing arts


Physical education


Individual tutoring


Ohio credit flexibility


Community service